
Movement & Handstand Practice in Bern, CH

‘Movement Practice, Bern’ is a project aimed at coordinating & support a community of people in Bern who are exploring, learning, practicing, and moving together as part of a worldwide ‘Movement Culture’. You are very welcome to join 🐒

Movement Practice

No experience required. We study a range of subjects in a structured & progressive manner, developing your understanding of ‘Movement’ as a physical practice as well as your movement potential. Content ranges from floor-communication, environmental exploration, partner-work & play/fight, improvisation, breathing practice & more. Throughout this, we develop physical capacities such as strength & mobility, joint integrity, balance & structural awareness, proprioception, timing, rhythm & coordination.

Handstand Practice

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No experience required. We build your handstand from the ground, up, including fear-management & all necessary prehabilitation/mobility work to help you develop a progressive & sustainable practice. Focus is on developing both a conceptual & practical understanding of how to balance on two hands, and mobility toward ‘front-folding’ and straddle/splits positions to facilitate ongoing skill development.

Current class info & timetable:


MoveMore: Movement Practice

© Copyright Jason Round / MoveMore: Movement Practice. All rights reserved. Name, logo, and all intellectual & media content, including those in all free & paid services, remain the property of Jason Round (unless credited otherwise) and may not be reproduced or distributed without prior written permission.